Directed by: Terry Lofton, Bill Leslie
Written by: Terry Lofton
Starring: Rocky Patterson, Ron Queen, Beau Leland, Michelle Meyer, Sebrina Lawless
I love the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, but I also hate it. I love it because of the obvious reasons; it's a fucking great movie, it terrified me as a kid, and that dinner table scene with grandpa and the hammer is still one of the most disturbing scenes of all time. But why then do I hate it? That's easy. I hate it because it opened the floodgates for all manner of terrible horror films with the word 'massacre' in the title. WOODCHIPPER MASSACRE, MICROWAVE MASSACRE, HOSPITAL MASSACRE and countless others, including this steaming turd. The 'massacre' moniker was so popular that some movies were even re-branded to cash in on TCM. At one time even THE PROWLER was known as THE PITCHFORK MASSACRE.
NAIL GUN is typical of a lot of the extremely derivative slasher fare which exploded in the 80s. This (very) low budget shitfest takes influence from a range of earlier films, most obviously TEXAS CHAINSAW. It even references it in the taglines ('Cheaper than a chainsaw!' and 'Forget about that guy with the chainsaw!'). But unlike that other classic NAIL GUN is at the extreme bottom end of the quality spectrum. It uses the basic rape revenge premise (a la I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT) as a basic jumping off point, and then proceeds to incoherently stumble all the way through to the end credits. The middle is padded with bad acting, a 'plot' which doesn't make any sense and some pretty disappointing death scenes. Oh and probably the unsexiest (not to mention hairiest) sex scene ever put to celluloid.
A young woman (I can't remember her name, or the names of any of the other characters for that matter) is gang-raped by some construction workers in the opening moments of the film. Shortly thereafter a killer decked out in a ridiculous outfit goes on a revenge-fueled killing spree. The ridiculous outfit consists of full army style camouflage, a duct-taped motorcycle helmet and a nail gun with bright yellow hose and air canister (basically rendering the camouflage useless). The killer starts knocking people off (seemingly regardless of whether they were involved in the rape or not) with his/her nail gun and uttering the worst one-liners ever conceived in a voice that sounds like it was run through a cheap synthesiser (and probably was). I think the masked voice is supposed to hide the identity of the killer (and whether it's a male or female - more on that later) but damn it is annoying, and almost impossible to understand at times.
NAIL GUN MASSACRE seems to have been made exclusively with people who have no acting experience and are seen reading directly from the script and looking right into the camera when they've finished stumbling over their lines. But that's only the beginning of its problems. The killer's victims are routinely introduced and then offed before any explanation is give for who they are or why they deserve to die. The script feels like it was written 5 minutes before the movie started filming, and the movie makes no sense. And the costumed killer seems to change from a short woman to a tall man in a cheap ploy to throw the audience off. And don't even get me started on the cringe-worthy one-liners the killer spews forth after each kill. The 'comedy' in this is excruciatingly unfunny.
This movie has absolutely no redeemable quality whatsoever. This is the kind of movie where people order grilled cheese sandwiches and for some reason are given hamburgers. This is the kind of movie where the deputy's badge and holster move all over his body through different scenes. This is the kind of movie where a girl tells a guy that it will take a lot more than a cheap meal to get her in the sack - and then she fucks him anyway. This is the kind of movie where the doctor acts absolutely nothing like a doctor. This is the kind of movie where the structure is so bad that you don't know who is getting killed or why. I could go on but I think you get the point. The only conceivable reason I can think of for sitting through this movie is to see just how low slashers could sink.